Ringfeder® trailer coupling RF50 AM/RL AUS

The new generation of the air-assisted workhorse for really heavy transportation and the tough road conditions in Australia. Only available in Australia.

This strong and reliable 320 kN coupling is designed and built for trouble-free extended heavy-duty use under the tough road conditions in Australia. The innovative air driven automatic opening mechanism is a safety feature saving time and trouble for the driver. A robust and easily maintained safety device adds further to safety.

With its unsurpassed reliability and long product life RF50 AM AUS gives you excellent value for money.

The coupling is equipped with a reinforced guiding funnel which is easily replaceable.

RINGFEDER® trailer coupling RF50 AM/RL AUS

Why should I choose this?

This Ringfeder coupling is an ECE certified high-quality product that requires minimal service and maintenance. It is easy to operate, and you will have the most reliable performance. Full support and global spare part availability, together with long, trouble-free service life, provides the excellent Ringfeder value to owners and users.

  • A high-quality product
  • Easy to operate
  • The most reliable performance
  • Full support and spare part availability

Ringfeder Red Line (AM/RL)

Fast and ergonomic
The Ringfeder original air mechanism / Red Line adds a convenient pneumatical opening, with 50% higher closing power compared to a standard coupling. Air assisted operation makes coupling and uncoupling significantly faster and more ergonomic for the driver.

Works with your current installation
Connect your Ringfeder AM/RL coupling to the existing compressed air supply of your truck, and operate with your control unit of choice. No installation of a separate compressed-air line needed. Compatible with Duomatic, Palm, C-coupling and Valve box.


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